Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Unhappy Tsunami Day!!! (26th Dec)

One year and one day has gone past the day Tsunami came into some lives!!!

One was mine too...

One whole year and one day and when I look back I see
Things I lost
1. My best friend
2. My dream of getting a PARI (Angel) besides me, whom I could always be behind of.

Things I got
1. Memories, nostalgia and tears (which are now dry)2. My dream of being in a country named US of A.

Things I want
1. My dreams fulfilled
2. More dreams which I can realize and which won't go away leaving me with memories and nostalgia

Memorizing the Tsunami day and hoping this day never comes into anyones life!!!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanksgiving (2005) weekend trip to LA and San Diego

Thanksgiving (2005) weekend trip to LA and San Diego

Well the dream at last came true where I meet my best friend in US of A as we promised each other in the immature age of 19! Well it took a hell long time to get to here but the juice was worth the squeeze. Travel plans were made at least 2 months back and it was a surprise for me. I could not wait to reach the real American city with the comfort of having a car to move around, the best company ever and also well planned itinerary made by my Navin (My best friend) and his wife Kanika.

Day # 1:
I headed in the morning to Phoenix airport with my bag packed and swollen eyes resultant of the sleepless night I had due to all the excitement. Finding flights, boarding the plane is never a hassle in US of A all credit goes to the well organized place. I was a bit lucky to get my digital camera just a day before I flew the flight to LA which made me happy with the online dell shopping network a lot. So the flight was small or because of excitement I could not realize the duration. I was sitting besides a young Chinese couple the guy was a eye surgeon and had a great apple laptop on which he was preparing a paper for some eye surgery. I reached LA 15 min before the time and was waiting for Golu (Navin’s nick name) and his charming wife (who was already my great friend). There they were to receive me in a couple of minutes, then hug and shake hands and off we went on the freeway to the “killer” San Diego. Well was a long ride though took us 2 hours in the first traffic jam on a USA freeway. Plan was to go to Pacific ocean beach and kayak (small boat with double sided rows) in the visibly calm sea but was sure wild. I started off well, the couples were not doing good earlier on the boat, then with a bit tips from the kayak trainer they were off with me in the sea. I was a bit easy as I thought it was easy till I was on the boat. A small wave (seemed to be to me but was real massive when it turned me over with the kayak…) came to the right side of my kayak and I was toppled in the salted waters of the pacific. Woooh… I was under the chilling water and kayak upside down. I could see the tension on my company’s faces but I was up to making a move up the kayak but after around 10-15 tries I could not make it. Golu and co-kayak Kaniks went off to the beach for help and the kayak trainer/owner saw us and called for life guards. I was in the cold water with the fear of not drowning but the creatures (small fishes, weeds and corals) under the water freaked me more. I hardly managed to reach the beach pulling my kayak with me and with a guilt of spoiling everything, but Golu and Kaniks were cool about it and cooling me off with some laughs. Ohhh… It was a bit scary though in the sea. Let me not talk about it any more. Then we went to the favorite inn of Americans where Navin had booked the room for us “Holiday Inn”. It was a nice place and we had showers there before we could move out to our dinner in a Indian restaurant. We went to Island named Coronado and there was this beautiful bridge connecting San Diego to the island. It was great there with the high rises across the sea and a nice little place. The dinner that day was in a Indian restaurant which was not that great but for a start Indian food was great to my stomach.

Lots of chattering and talking about good ol’ times made me nostalgic and glad. I was really enjoying the time. Waiting for the next day we went to sleep cause we had a big day ahead.

Day # 2:

Started the day with the Danish butter cookies (in the big colorful tin box Golu had bought) and wht Sev Parmal I had bought from India. We rushed ourselves back to LA to get to the amazing Universal studio theme park. We reached there and got mad started running here and there snapping pictures so that we can save and share the memories. Great place we had all the amazing rides and shows most of which were thrilling and 4D shows the 4th D being the water and vibrations (rather wild movements) in the seats we sat in for the shows. I saw a huge crowd (mostly Americans and Indians – Desies) and most were in the queue waiting for the rides but as we had the front of line passes we just took the gate A and just went brazing besides the longest queues of USA, proudly showing off our front of line neck tags! Rides were awesome and I wished the day would never end but it did very quick even before I could realize and we had to take off from that wonderful place fearing delay. Most rides were based on movies like terminator 2, Shrek, Back to the future, The Mummy, Jurassic park – the lost world, and also shows like Animal Planet live and Fear Factor live. After we left eye struck from the small city walk filled with lighted street shops, we went to the place I have dreamed to be in long back the Hollywood “Walk of Fame”. It was amazing and magical, a long lost dream come true. There were these stars on the footpath with all the Hollywood starts names engraved in a metal star right between the street all way to the end. Then staying there for a hour or so we had to rush off again to have our dinner, keeping in account that we had no lunch because we were busy with Universal, we all were hungry. We had maps to everyplace in the area it seemed, thanks to Golzy and Kaniks for the same. We headed to the Indian restaurant street in Artesia but all were closed luckily! We then headed to the all American food place, Denny’s, which are open 24x7. There I had one of the most amazing food I have ever had, pancakes with maple syrup and egg omelet topped with mushroom, cheese and sided with seasoned fries. The food was awesome, best were the hot pan cakes with the maples syrup. I loved the place, food and Golu n Kaniks to take me there.

Day # 3:

This day started a bit late as we had to sleep and relax a bit after the big day we had. According to the nicely planed trips’ itinerary we had to head to San Diego Sea World. The place was filled of, as the name suggests, sea animals. We saw Shamu the whale’s show, which was the biggest attraction, then dolphins and Sea Lion’s shows. The day was a bit slow (after the fun filled day at Universal studio) it was a bit dull but some shows were good and so was the water ride. We headed out soon from there to the Balboa park to visit a science museum. It was a great place with many experiments to be done and facts to be known with the do yourself exhibits in different section of the building. Ending the visit with a nice movie “Mystery of the Nile” in the I-Max was great. Hungry by now we rushed to the Downtown to hit the Bombay cuisine Indian restaurant and had a great dinner there. To wind up the day we had a chatting till we were dozing off in the bed at the Holiday Inn.

Day # 4:

Day started with a bit sorrow saddening feeling in my mind or rather heart that this will end soon. Great country and company of my dearest friend wish this never ends! Thanks a lot Golu and Kaniks for the best time of my life in US of A. USA is a great place and after looking the 2 most amazing cities here I want to make my dream of living in USA come true. I want to stay here and enjoy my life, fulfill my dream, for at least 10 fun filled years of my life. Well we packed stuff. Kaniks packed me 2 stuffed boxes of the amazing Danish butter cookies and making sure that I get all the stacks of my favorite types of cookies from the big tin box. So nice of her, Golu sure is lucky to have her as his wife! Well the last lunch of the trip was at the already experimented with place named “Baja (pronounced Baha) Fresh” with the best Mexican Burrito I had ever, with the nachos which tasted nachos (not like those in India – they are really the Indian version of Nachos).

These guys then dropped me to air port. We parted with hug, hand shakes and promises to meet again! They were not bored of me or what? Well that was a joke for sure! boarded an early flight to Phoenix and reached Home on a blue shared van and it sure was very cold in the evening. Work on Monday was going to be tough this very first weekend of my life!


Niranjan Bendre


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Love is . . . [29-Sept-2005]

Today's [29-Sept-2005] Love is . . .
"Words from the loved ones are always beautiful !!!"
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is . . . archives:

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Love is . . . [28-Sep-2005]

Today's [28-Sep-2005] Love is . . .
"Plan and do for your loved ones what they want and
you'll see the love tap dancing towards you!!!"
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is . . . archives:

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Love is . . . [27-Sep-2005]

Today's [27-Sep-2005] Love is . . .
"Love is a language spoken by everyone ,
but understood only by a heart.
It's a heart's game where everyone wins!!! Are you GAME???"
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is . . . archives:

Monday, September 26, 2005

Love is . . . [26-Sep-2005]

Today's [26-Sep-2005] Love is . . .
"Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman,
but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.
But I think that everybody in love is lucky...
So stick with them cause you are lucky!!! "
Love n Luck,
Love is . . . archives:

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Love is . . . [22-Sep-2005]

Today's [22-Sep-2005] Love is . . .
"IT makes you rich lucky happy successful and
every great thing you want to become..."
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is . . . archives:

Monday, August 22, 2005

Love is . . . [24-Aug-2005]


Today's [24-Aug-2005] love is . . .

"You are everywhere and that to the best places..."

Love n Luck,

Love is . . . Archive:

Love is . . . [23-Aug-2005]

Today's [23-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Waking to find out that your dream has come true and that is
love n luck together..."
Love n Luck,
Love is . . . Archive:

Love is . . . [23-Aug-2005]

Today's [23-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Waking to find out that your dream has come true and that is
love n luck together..."
Love n Luck,
Love is . . . Archive:

Love is . . . [23-Aug-2005]


Today's [23-Aug-2005] Love is . . .

"Waking to find out that your dream has come true and that is
love n luck..."

Love n Luck,


Love is . . . Archive:

Love is . . . [22-Aug-2005]


Today's [22-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Do it the best way so that you can dance to the tunes of her saying YES!!!"

Love n Luck,
Love is . . . Archive:

Love is . . . [22-Aug-2005]


Today's [22-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Do it the best way so that you can dance to the tunes of her saying YES!!!"

Love n Luck,

Love is . . . Archive:

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Love is . . . [18-Aug-2005]


Today's [18-Aug-2005] Love is . . .

"All dates are best but the first one is most rememberable!!!
It's magical and better than the bests!!!"
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre

Love is . . . Archive:

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Love is . . . [17-Aug-2005]

Today's Love is . . .
the middle name and surname of LOVE"
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is . . . Archive:
A nice poem in P.S.:
Is it love ..? Will it be for ever . .
Her sight does make me confident
Her presence does make me nervous
is it love ..? Will it be for ever..?
Her day does make my dreams
Her nights do make me lonely
But, is it love..? Will it be for ever..?
Other flowers do attract me
Other birds do inspire my poems
Yet, is it love..? Will it be for ever..?
Waves do rise wonderfully high
but my castle is yet dry
Yet is it love..? Will it be for ever..?
Should I wait, until one day
something in me would answer
"Yes, this is love & it will be for ever"
But will the wait be too long
until someday I would realize
the loss was love & it would have been FOREVER . . .

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Love is . . . [16-Aug-1005]

Today's [16-Aug-1005] Love is . . .
"Your gift could be a boon to your loved ones, if it is for their good
they will do it even if they don't want to..."
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is . . . Archive:

Friday, August 12, 2005

Love is . . . [12-Aug-2005]

Today's [12-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Everything is spitritual, is clean and is fair where is there is love..."
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is . . . Archive:

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Love is . . . [11-Aug-2004]

Today's [11-Aug-2004] Love is . . .
"Sitting there together cuddling together just for the sake being together..."
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is . . . Archive

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Love is . . . [10-Aug-2005]


Today's [10-Aug-2005] Love is . . .

"Taking all your responsibility with utmost importance...
Care is the middle word..."

Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre
Love is ... Archive

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Love is . . . [09-Aug-2005]

Today's [09-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Another year of togetherness love caring mush and etc. etc.
which are all imp and near to heart..."
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre

Monday, August 08, 2005

Love is . . . [08-Aug-2005]

Today's [08-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"It's all about surprises which lead to
happiness and loads of mush..."
Love n Luck,
Niranjan Bendre

Friday, August 05, 2005

Love is . . . [05-Aug-2005]

Today's [05-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Not routine, not formality, not mundane...
It's spontaneous, surprising and always FRESH!!!"
Love n Luck,

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Love is . . . [04-Aug-2005]

Today's [04-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
" :)    :) "
Love n Luck,

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Love is . . . [03-Aug-2005]

Today's [03-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Doing the smallest things, helping them get rid of the bad,
taking decision and help let them live their lives as you loved ones wants..."
Love n Luck,

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Love is . . . [02-Aug-2005]

Today's [02-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"This wait is very sweet and makes one really mad...
very desperate and wanna make you fight with your loved ones to make you wait...
But a small request make this fight very small and DON'T waste more time..."
Love n Luck,
"I hate love!!! If there is GOD, may He never make me fall into it...  --- Ben"

Monday, August 01, 2005

Love is . . . [01-Aug-2005]

Today's [01-Aug-2005] Love is . . .
"Gifts to each other only if they value it...
Value it you may never get one if you let go this one..."
Love n Luck,
"I hate love!!! If there is GOD, may He never make me fall into it...  --- Ben"

Friday, July 29, 2005

Love is . . . [29-Jul-2005]

Today's [29-Jul-2005] Love is . . .
"Decorating the home and making it sweet on wonderful occasions and always...
home is where they live who love..."
Love n Luck,

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Love is . . . [27-Jul-2005]

Today's [27-Jul-2005] Love is . . .
"Give her a chance to say before you respond!!! Learn to listen!!!"
Love n Luck,

Monday, July 25, 2005

Love is . . . [26-Jul-2005]

Today's [26-Jul-2005] "Love is . . ."
"Seeing dreams together!!! And chasing dreams together!!!
And the best enjoying the fulfilled dreams together!!!"
Love n Luck,

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Love is . . . [25-Jul-2005]

Today's [21-Jul-2005] "Love is . . ."
"Well that is very hard to do... try not to fall for the charm and radiance of
your loved one..."
Love n Luck,

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Love is . . . [20-Jul-2005]

Today's [20-Jul-2005] Love is . . .
"Pamper your loved ones always..."
Love n Luck,

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Love is . . . [19-Jul-2005]

Today's [19-Jul-2005] Love is . . .
"One should be in the best shapes best dress best hair style and all over best for our loved ones..."
Love n Luck,

Monday, July 18, 2005

Love is . . . [18-Jul-2005]

Today's [18-Jul-2005] Love is . . .
"It's about loving every bad and good every small and big attribute of your loved one... Give them utter IMP..."
Love n Luck,

Friday, July 15, 2005

Love is . . . [15-Jul-2005]

Today's [15-Jul-2005] Love is . . .
"Ever flirted with your loved ones (see the shy and smiles on their faces) and make them crave for you (and feel the longing for you inside them)... It's playful and fun..."
Love n Luck,

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Love is . . . [14-Jul-2005]

Today's [14-Jul-2005] Love is . . .
"In the morning, during a night mare and always... it's cosy that way..."
Love n Luck,

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Love is . . . [12-Jul-2005]

Today's [12-Jul-2005] Love is . . .
"Cause your heart is not at all yours, it's now lovingly owned by your sweetheart!!!"
Love n Luck,

Monday, July 11, 2005

What Others Think Of...(your sunsign)


ARIES : They are extremely headstrong and listen to no reason. They fail to see the other person's point of view. They can be inconsiderate and ruthless. If only they could curb their hot temper, we could live tolerably together.

TAURUS : They are a bit too flamboyant for my liking. But I appreciate their truthfulness and sincerity. In love, they are inconsistent.

GEMINI : They are innocent and likeable. I like their fire and dash. We make good friends. But in love, they are too intellectual and logical; and in sex, too disciplined to suit my taste.

CANCER : They are not serious. They hardly understand the deeper side of life. They are superficial, a flirtatious lot. They talk of ethics and discipline, but lack both. I don't like them.

LEO : Arians are great. It's good to be in love with an Arian. But though they pay you plenty of compliments, they are not generous with gifts or presents. But the way they pamper me, compensates for all their shortcomings. I like their disciplined life style.

VIRGO : Arians are futile idealists. They waste their time in theorising. How can I like people who do not believe in a secure life? They leave everything to chance, and do not like to plan their future. Associating with such people is fraught with danger.

LIBRA : Arians seek to make an impression and, of course, they generally succeed. They appreciate art, and understand my views on life. They are romantic and match my own sex drive. I would love to marry an Arian.

SCORPIO : They stimulate my interest, but their lack of consistency drives me almost crazy. I have always failed to hold onto them, much as I would like to. They lack purpose in life, changing from one thing or one partner to another. They could work wonders, if only they stuck to one thing at a time.

SAGITTARIUS : Arians attract me. Their intellect and optimism are inspiring. They are good friends and never let me down in times of need. They add colour to any occasion and they are intensely romantic. I can't help falling in love with such fiery people.

CAPRICORN : They scorn materialism, and that is an unrealistic approach to life. It's understandable if they dislike security, as they put it; but an utter disregard of normal conventions makes them immature. I cannot like such people.

AQUARIUS : We are great friends. But the Arian philosophy of life is more intellectual than spiritual, and I do not appreciate that. They make good love-partners, but lack depth and finesse. And in matters of sex they can be impatient, too 'physical', I would say. But nevertheless I love them.

PISCES : If only I could attract an Arian my love-life could become interesting. But we are opposites. They are out-going while I like solitude. I seek them only when I feel depressed and dull, otherwise I keep them at a distance. I cannot tolerate their temper.



ARIES: They are friendly, dependable, but too methodical for my liking. They are so formal in their love-relationships that they cause unnecessary delay in arriving at a mutual understanding.

TAURUS: They are suspicious of others and suffer from an insecurity complex. If they overcome this trait and do not interfere in my personal and private activities, I would like to associate with them.

GEMINI: I hardly get on with Taureans. They think of me as a superficial type, and are also critical of my sex-life. But I must say they admire my artistic traits.

CANCER: We are good friends. They are deep thinkers and good judges of characters. I like their loyalty towards friends, and their quality of always being helpful in time of need.

LEO: They are a bit of a bore. They are sincere, honest and loyal, but too straight-forward and simple. They are good in a love-relationship, but it takes a lot of time to cultivate them.

VIRGO: We get along very well. They understand my views on life. Their artistic bent of my mind lends them a strange aura of charm. They live with good taste, though simply. I like them.

LIBRA: I have come across a number of Taureans, and I find them warm and affectionate. But somehow we have not been able to strike a not of intimacy. It may perhaps be my fault. I lead a bit of a fast life, which they do not like.

SCORPIO: Their consistent attitude attracts me. They are good lovers and make compatible sex-partners. I am attracted by their strong, deep, passionate nature and their penchant for things beautiful. The powerful way they hold and touch you is pleasantly exciting. I could have an enduring love-relationship with them.

SAGITTARIUS: I do not get on with them. They are so vindictive and resentful about my way of life. I cannot communicate with them. I wonder how even people with artistic traits could be so self-centered.

CAPRICORN: I am in love with Taurean. They have achieved a happy blend of artistic and physical reality. They are not idle idealists. We have a lot in common and we respect each other's views. And they certainly know the art of love.

AQUARIUS: They believe in the world of form, and I like to dwell upon the formless. Though they respect my spiritual approach to life, I find them too earthy and physical. They may be artistic, but they lack refinement in matters of sex and love.

PISCES: I find them quite loveable. They respect tradition and conventional in their approach to life; that makes them dependable and sincere. They are exciting lovers and can keep me pleasantly satisfied.



ARIES: They are intelligent and highly understanding; I like their easy manners. They are good friends, for they don't bore you with problems or family wrangles. They make pleasant companions and witty conversationalists.

TAURUS: They may be popular, but I don't like their flirtatious outlook. They are so immodest in the way they dress and they have no respect for conventions. Their friendships is superficial and makes me doubt their sincerity. I cannot trust them in matters of love.

GEMINI: Once they are really and truly in love, they could make devoted partners. They wish to do too many things at a time, which he makes them inconsistent in their careers. Nevertheless, they are good companions.

CANCER: A talkative lot. Pretentious and self centered. They pay far too much importance to outward appearances. No depth. I can never get along with them.

LEO: Good entertainers, they are very sociable. Only, at time, their behavior in large gatherings shock me - they don't care for anything or for any person, and stick to their own convictions. But they are quite friendly towards me.

VIRGO: They are real Casanovas. Although they may be fun as acquaintances, they are a bit rowdy and loud. If you begin to be intimate with them with the idea of marriage in mind, you are sure to suffer a nervous breakdown!

LIBRA: I like them. They are so natural and easy in their approach. They dress stylishly and I like their choice of colours. As lovers of art and the theater, they make pleasant companions.

SCORPIO: They are mere talkers, and they think that they know everything. But I think they are nuts! They lack proper discipline - in everything. I wonder how they manage to have so many love affairs. But then, their involvements are just fleeting and temporary.

SAGITTARIUS: Great lovers: can't resist them! They make sex more interesting by talking about it. They are always the centre of attraction, especially at parties. Just knowing them is an exciting experience. I would happily marry one of them.

CAPRICORN: They risk everything in experimenting with new ideas. This could be disastrous. If they were more cautious they would be more successful in life. In love and sex, too, they lack prudence.

AQUARIUS: Their desire to know and understand the meaning of life, attracts me. Though they are thinkers, they respond favourably to things beautiful and artistic. I love them.

PISCES: Somehow we never get along. They devote so much time to frivolities, and don't try to cultivate deep attachments with anybody. That is why, in spite of their large number of acquaintances, they have only a few friends, perhaps none. Their approach to love and sex is scandalous!



ARIES: They baffle me, they are so prosaic and physical. They have no interest in intellectual matters. Though they can make good friends, their emotional insecurity scares me. I feel they would bind me to a conventional life.

TAURUS: They are people of deep understanding. Sincere in friendship, trustworthy in love. They would rather hurt themselves than cause unhappiness to others. I like them.

GEMINI: They are impossible - too slow and dull. They call me names and think I am a flirt. But I think that they are self-centred, ambitious and jealous.

CANCER: If they overcome their lethargy we could establish good understanding between ourselves. But love is a different matter. Somehow their career seems to be more important than any relationship with others.

LEO: Their tendency to cling frightens me. And they take too much interest in mundane affairs. Their outlook is rather commonplace and matter-of-fact. They mean no harm, I agree; but somehow we are very different types.

VIRGO: They are all right. We are quite friendly. So what if we take pains to establish our careers? After all, that's the way of the world. I find them loyal and faithful.

LIBRA: Physically, they attract me. But somehow they keep me at arm's length. I like to attend their parties - they serve good food! But we don't really click.

SCORPIO: Great friends! Ardent and faithful as lovers. I like their physical strength - and their prowess in the art of love. They respond well to my aggressive nature. We get on well.

SAGITTARIUS: They are reserved and aloof. All my efforts to establish a more intimate relationship with them, are in vain. They are very choosy about whom they go about with, very clannish and sectarian. I don't like them.

CAPRICORN: Generous and kind-hearted, they give complete freedom to their partners. Their views on love and sex are clear and uncomplicated. We have great rapport with each other. I love them. Ours is a happy marriage.

AQUARIUS: They never discuss philosophy or take an interest in spiritual matters. Though they have good taste in dress and live in style, they are not artistic enough for me. Their views on life are too conventional and traditional. They lack finesse in matters of love and sex.

PISCES: We are good friends. I find them sympathetic and sincere. They love home-life. They have great depth of character, but are charmingly modest about their achievements. We like each other and get along marvelously.



ARIES: Lively and pleasant, they are the very picture of romance. I like them for their uncomplaining nature. They are great lovers too. They give complete freedom to their partners.

TAURUS: They are a little too proud of themselves - and it shows in their slowly life-style. But I do appreciate their respect for tradition. However, they don't take a steady stand in matters of love and sex, so their love-life is erratic.

GEMINI: They are romantic. Well-groomed and cultured. I like their dignified composure and regal bearing. We are good friends. Only I avoid getting into an argument with them; I think they are right in their beliefs.

CANCER: They imagine themselves to be righteous all the time. They lecture people on traditions as if they were authorities on the subject. I don't like them. They are too loud and full of airs.

LEO: They flatter themselves too much. Egoists. If they tone down a bit and think of others as equals. We can get along well, no doubt.

VIRGO: They make a big show of their worldly possessions. I think they are full of conceit. They are so dogmatic. I cannot get on with them. They play around in love and come out with lectures on morality.

LIBRA: They are full of life and vitality. I love Leo natives. So true and honest in friendship. And fine sex -partners too. Trust a Leo in time of needs.

SCORPIO: They are loud-mouthed, and talk nonsense. They are lucky in worldly success. But so mediocre in matters of sex. I grant that they are sincere, but too choosy about friends. Perhaps I am just indifferent towards them.

SAGITTARIUS: They attract me. I like their straight-forwardness. They make good companions in love. A sexual relationship might be a bit difficult, but that is understandable since they pay little attention to the physical side of love.

CAPRICORN: I don't like them. They are so self-centered and dogmatic. They always have hangers-on about them. They are a spoilt lot. Their luck in their careers is not commensurate with their talent.

AQUARIUS: Their questionings about the material and spiritual values of life attracts me to them. I like the way they tune their ideals to reality. They are well-mannered, refined and tactful. I would like to have a Leo for a life-partner.

PISCES: They pay too much attention to outward show and are far too class-conscious. They rate everything in terms of financial success. I do not like them. They imagine themselves to be the very centre of society, thinking that all life will come to a standstill without them.



ARIES: They are good -natured people, but a bit too prudent. They are always harping on career and security, which I don't like. I am an 'outdoor' person perhaps rather brush, whereas I find them a bit sloppy. We don't get along.

TAURUS: I admire their realistic approach to life, their practical ideas. They are homely and sincere. Our tastes, likes and dislikes are identical.

GEMINI: Their hyper-critical nature scares me. They are so fastidious and difficult. I wonder how people find them jovial and friendly. I don't feel at ease in their company.

CANCER: They make loyal, steadfast friends. Quite sympathetic and understanding. They plan their future well. I appreciate their sincerity.

LEO: Too prosaic and dull. I find their conversation inane and their company tiresome. They are more impressed by the material possessions of an individual than by his qualities of character.

VIRGO: No wonder they have few friends - they are perennial fault-finders. They waste their time in meaningless entertainment and futile social functions. In spite of all this, we do get on well.

LIBRA: They are docile and home-loving; nice, sincere types. But we are poles apart as far as love is concerned. They aren't artistic either; too careless and mundane. No, we don't suit each other.

SCORPIO: Good friends. I like their sense of humour. In this dull, dreary life it is good to know persons like them. And they are thoughtful partners, skilled in the art of love.

SAGITTARIUS: They are good as family friends. But in personal relationships, I find it difficult to establish any rapport with them. In money matters they are stingy, although they claim to be charitably disposed!

CAPRICORN: I find them inspiring and encouraging, devoted in love. Their realistic approach towards sex makes a relationship easy and pleasant. I love them.

AQUARIUS: Their realism is a bit too commonplace; they never bother to appreciate the finer things in life. Their rather physical approach to love baffles me. There is no meeting ground between us.

PISCES: They are faithful and dependable in friendship. Sincere in love, they make compatible partners. They love domestic life and children. I would be only too glad to marry a Virgoan.



ARIES: Extremely charming and pleasant, they are so understanding and considerate. I like their out-going nature, and they appreciate my sense of independence. I would love to marry a Libran.

TAURUS: I like their artistic traits. They are interesting companions, too. But we don't see eye to eyes in matters of love. They are easy-going and too indulgent about sex. At times, I am almost afraid of getting involved with them.

GEMINI: An inspiring lot. Great lovers! But they are too frivolous sometime - even for me. They make exciting partners. It is only the fortunate who win the love of a Libran.

CANCER: I think they are a bit showy. Their tastes may be very refined but their life-style is immodest. They are not steadfast and faithful in love. Somehow we don't seem to strike a note of intimacy.

LEO: They are good friends of mine. Charming manners, artistic, pleasant to be with. They make genial hosts. They are fine in matters of sex, though a bit too easy-going.

VIRGO: I think they are a licentious lot. All right, so one can have a fling or two - but their affairs seem to be endless. They are self-centered and usually make friends only with people who can help them to fulfil their ambitions. I don't like them.

LIBRA: They are just not serious about anything. They are merely lucky enough to be rich and successful in th eyes of the world. But they don't strive to achieve any goal. Still, they make adaptable partners in marriage, which is good enough for us to be together.

SCORPIO: I find them too soft and delicate. Even in conversation, they lack depth. They are superficial in love. Totally frivolous. I do not get on with them.

SAGITTARIUS: Great entertainers, they make exciting, absorbing companions. I like their taste for travel. They are good speakers, too, and the centre of attraction wherever they go. I like their unassuming nature.

CAPRICORN: Too flamboyant for my liking. They talk too much, being thoroughly over-confident. Pleasure-seekers, they pay more attention to physical charm than to mental compatibility. I do not associate with them.

AQUARIUS: I can't resist their disarming smile. They are guileless and innocent. True and sincere friends, they are also fine lovers, adept at the art of love. I love them.

PISCES: I find them irresponsible and flippant. They socialize a bit too much. In love and romance, too, they seek physical pleasure more than emotional ties. They are callous in their relationships. I keep myself aloof from them.



ARIES: I admire their independent spirit and sense of freedom. But I think they are too self-centered and inflexible. They dwell more on the physical plane, weighing everything in terms of worldly success. I avoid establishing any intimacy with them.

TAURUS: They are people of strong character. I like their confident and forceful ways. They make good, steady partners in love and I would happily approve of marriage with them.

GEMINI: They are difficult to get along with. Although they talk well and have refined tastes, they remain so aloof. In love they are slow to be aroused; I lack the patience to set them afire! They could be dangerous if slighted.

CANCER: I appreciate their views on life. They are devoted lovers, though a bit too aggressive. I love them. Our likes and dislikes in domestic matters, like the choice of a home, are identical. As friends, too, they are helpful in times of need.

LEO: They attract me, but somehow the attraction is not sustained, and does not lead to marriage. Rather, they seem to compete with me in the career-game. Our friendship can turn into mutual hatred. I keep them at bay.

VIRGO: Consistent in friendship and sincere in love, they are trustworthy; you can safely confide in them without the risk of betrayal. Good judges of character, they are impartial. I like them.

LIBRA: I like them as lovers; but it is difficult to disentangle oneself from their love-nest. To flirt with them is to invite trouble. They are not artistic, though I do not doubt their good taste. They are good as acquaintances, and that is all there is to our friendship.

SCORPIO: Why can't they be more flexible in their approach? So long as you go along with their vies, they accept you. But they do not brook criticism, though they themselves are highly critical of others. Still, they make good companions in life.

SAGITTARIUS: Too serious and sceptical for my liking. I do not like their self-proclaimed 'radical' views. Their dislike of tradition or established conventions alienates them from many. They are coarse in matters of love and romance. We do not click.

CAPRICORN: They are persons of deep understanding and intelligence. I like their practical approach to life. They don't delude themselves with false utopian values. They make good partners in love.

AQUARIUS: We respect each other - but that's all! They are rational to the point of irrationality. If they delve into mysticism or the occult, they go to extremes. They lack finesse in thought and action.

PISCES: Enduring friends - and great lovers! They respect my views on life. I like their courage and enthusiasm. Full of confidence, they achieve tremendous success in their careers. I just love them.



ARIES: I find them understanding and warmly affectionate. They believe in a simple straightforward relationship and do not suffer from any complexes. They are quite daring and enthusiastic by nature, loving freedom and adventure. I love them.

TAURUS: I respect their conventional outlook, but I think that it is deceptive. They have too many involvements, and are quite reckless in anything to do with love. I find them irritable and dogmatic. We do not get along well.

GEMINI: I like their optimism. Full of hope and enthusiasm, they inspire me with a zest for living. They are honest and frank and rarely speak ill of others. I would love to marry a Sagittarian.

CANCER: They think no end of themselves! Most of the time they talk about their own achievements and desires. They show no concern for others, and are far too self-indulgent. I do not like them.

LEO: They are hard-working and sincere. I like their purposeful approach to life; they strive for recognition and usually succeed because of their own merits. In love and sex they are discreet. We get along well.

VIRGO: They are too self-centered. Egoists, they talk about nothing except their own aims and aspirations. They drown themselves in their own work and activities, hardly devoting any time to others, not even to their families. We cannot strike a note of mutual intimacy.

LIBRA: They are interesting people, full of life and sparkle. Good lovers too, they make exciting partners in sex. Although they do not pay sufficient attention to the finer things of life, I still like them for their honesty and truthfulness.

SCORPIO: They are shallow and dull. Mere talkers, they lack depth and understanding. They are 'weak' in sex, and too soft for my liking. Utterly conventional in their life style and in their outlook, they bore me.

SAGITTARIUS: If they could stick to just one partner, we could get on well. But their urge for variety in love and sex sometimes makes them wander from one affair to another. I like their bold and frank nature and, in spite of their other drawbacks, I love them.

CAPRICORN: I dislike their domineering attitude. They think they are masters of every discipline. I respect their sincere approach to life, but find them too egoistic. They cannot make intimate friends, though they claim to know a large number of people.

AQUARIUS: Enterprising and sincere, they are persons of learning. I like their rational approach to life, but find them neglecting artistic pursuits completely. They dwell more on the mundane plane than on the altruistic. But they are honest friends, and I like them for that.

PISCES: In a relationship they do not really care about the other person. They weigh everything in terms of profit and loss, and usually associate with those who hold high positions in society. In love and sex, they are indifferent to the finer aspects of a relationship, and dwell merely on the physical. I do not involve myself with them.



ARIES: They are too career-oriented,ready to sacrifice their ideals to achieve their goals.And in friendship too,they are possessive and jealous. They are vindictive; I can hardly trust them. Somehow we are not very friendly.

TAURUS: They are good companions and devoted lovers. I respect their views on life. Although they speak little, they are gifted with profound understanding. In romance,too, they are responsible and balanced. I love them.

GEMINI: I find them self-centered and withdrawn. How can I get to know them when they are forever talking about boring things like their career problems?They don't take any trouble over deepening a relationship, and hardly spend any time in entertainment and socialising. I don't like them.

CANCER: Sincere as friends and faithful in love, they arouse respect. I find their withdrawn nature enigmatic and would love to get to know them intimately. In marriage, too, they are loyal, and love children and family life. I would like to marry a Capricornian

LEO: I dislike their cynicism. They think no end of themselves. They brood a lot and are always worrying. I get board in their company. How can I like them when most of the time they criticized me and my work?

VIRGO: Methodical in their work and amicable by nature, they are sensible and known how to get on in this world. I find them hard-working and responsible. In romance and sex too, we are compatible. I love them.

LIBRA: I admire their merit and prudence. But that is not all there is to life. I feel if there is no beauty or romance, life is not worth living; and on this score I find them coarse and dull. Somehow we maintain a respectable distance between us.

SCORPIO: They are people of understanding and knowledge. Through their main goal is material success, I still like their purposeful way of life. They are quite friendly and sympathetic. We get along well.

SAGITTARIUS:They are always running around, a little too anxious about their careers. They hardly ever help others, but they expect others to work for them! A selfish lot, full of conceit and malice, making a big show of their charities. I don't like them.

CAPRICORN: They are loyal and faithful, but I think they devote more time to their careers than to personal relationships. If only they would pay more attention to matters other than work, and show some concern for the opinion of others, we could get along together. I appreciate their steadfastness in friendship.

AQUARIUS: I respect their views- and their efforts in achieving their aims. But they are a bit too materialistic for us to be true friends. They lack finesse in love and reject ideals completely. In sex , I find them coarse; I cannot achieve any rapport with them.

PISCES: I find them good companions in love. They appreciate my view of life. I like to travel in company with a Capricornian; they are good guides and interesting conversationalists; even though they may not speak much. They are well-informed, and do not make a show of it.



ARIES: They are good-looking, very artistic and humane. Quick in striking a friendship, they are enduring and loyal in a relationship. I can't help but love such refined persons.

TAURUS: They are quiet and reserved. I respect their intellect and artistic traits. But they tend to philosophize a bit too much; they are so detached that they seem indifferent to life. No doubt they are friendly, but somehow we lack intimacy.

GEMINI: Highly talented and yet unassuming, they interest me. They never have any complaints; they always look at the positive side.How easily they laugh away the miseries of life! It is good to know such people. I love them sincerely.

CANCER: They are devoted in love and marriage; true and sincere as friends, they are people of integrity. But it is their unconventional life style that disturbs me. And also they seen so detached and aloof. We are good acquaintances, but that is all there is to our relationship.

LEO: I see great depth of character in their reserved, quiet demeanor. Their mastery of metaphysical subject and their keen interest in art fascinates me. They are consistent in their friendship and affection. I would love to marry an Aquarian.

VIRGO: They are warm and sympathetic, helpful to others and honest in their dealings. But their worry-free nature is slightly immature. They tend to take life too easily and hardly struggle to achieve recognition, although they claim to be reformers and involve themselves in humanitarian causes. I find they lac a strong purpose in life.

LIBRA: Great lovers of art and things artistic, they are the geniuses of this world. They are good conversationalists and make genial companions. Sincere and honest in relationship, they are extremely gentle and polite. I love them and have an easy rapport with them.

SCORPIO: I grant them their keen intellect, but do not like their idle spiritualism. They are irrational in their outlook and have an easy answer to most of the complexities of existence. But I have nothing against them as individuals, since they are truthful and genuine in their affections.

SAGITTARIUS: They are quiet friendly towards me. I like their simplicity and unobtrusiveness. But they seem to be devoting more time to their so-called 'humanitarian' causes, than to anything more fruitful. Still, I like them for their selflessness and warmth.

CAPRICORN: I think they are somehow 'lucky' in life. That is why they can talk of philosophy and devote their time to art. True, they are determined in their own sphere of activity and usually succeed in achieving their goals by fair means. But I do not like their superiority complex, which shows itself in their over-calm personality.

AQUARIUS: They devote more time to the affair of people in general than to those of any individual in particular. They may be neglecting a close friend or a member of their own family in their pursuit of humanitarian causes. They are truly spiritualist and honest in beliefs and action. If they could pay a little more attention to their families, we could be ideal partners.

PISCES: They are deeply sympathetic, and inspire courage and confidence in other. Their sunny outlook and happy-go-lucky nature is highly infectious. I respect their love of spirituality and of Nature. They are enduring as friends, always helpful in times of need.



ARIES: They are too sensitive and touchy. Highly possessive by nature, they tend to restrict my freedom. I respect their sincerity and loyalty but find them too serious- positively dull. I do not get on with them.

TAURUS: They have depth of character and conviction. I respond to their artistic bent of mind. Sincere and trustworthy in a relationship, they make good friends. They rarely speak ill of others nor do they hurt others feelings. I like them.

GEMINI: I find them indecisive and weak, lacking in purpose. They attach too much importance to their involvements and tend to be over-possessive. Of course, they are honest and just in their dealings, but that is not all there is to a relationship. In love and sex, they are too soft and docile. I would have nothing to do with them.

CANCER: Devoted and faithful, they love home and family life; and in a relationship, they are responsible. I like their complete surrender in love; it is difficult to resist the friendship of a Piscean. I love them.

LEO: They are too soft and delicate, highly emotional and over-sensitive. I find them fussy and tiresome. Although I like their charming manners and the attention they pay to etiquette, establishing intimacy with them seems a bit difficult.

VIRGO: Warm and sincere, they are true friends. In love and affection too, they are enduringly faithful. Highly adaptable, to the point of making compromises, it is easy to live with them. I would be happy to marry a Piscean.

LIBRA: They are imaginative and respond deeply to beauty and Nature. But they pay meager attention to love and sex, which is an essential part of life. I admire their faithfulness in love, but find them monotonous and dull. I cannot fall in love with them.

SCORPIO: In love, their complete surrender overwhelms me. They are simple and straightforward people. Highly passionate, they have a strong sexual urge, which makes them good partners. I would love to get to know them intimately.

SAGITTARIUS: As mere acquaintances, they are tolerable. But I find them too cautious and withdrawn for any closer relationship. They make me feel guilty in anything concerning love and sex. They sound a bit too moralistic and dogmatic. I do not get on with them.

CAPRICORN: Steadfast and restrained in a relationship, they are innocently charming. I like the limitless trust they place in others. It is difficult to betray such honest people. I love them and fortunately we have great rapport with each other.

AQUARIUS: I appreciate their sincerity and truthfulness. But they dwell too much on the emotional plane, getting attached to too many things and people. I can hardly communicate with them on an intellectual or spiritual level. Nevertheless, I like them.

PISCES: They ought not to take life so seriously. They first see the darker side of everything before savouring the happier things in life. If only they paid a little more care to love and sex, we could have a blissful union.



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